
Smart Cat Trap Comb

Metal comb for restricting the movement of the animal contained.
Salesprice with discount
Sales price 68,49 €
Discount -12,08 €

A strong metal comb that fits through the mesh of MDC cat baskets or Eezicatch Cat Trap restricting the movement of the animal contained.

>>   Improved strength
>>   Simple to use
>>   Effective restraint

Designed to hold or separate a cat (or other small animal) at the rear of a basket or trap so that an injection (or other treatment) can be administered without having to physically handle the animal or risk escape when opening the Eezicatch Cat Trap or basket. The Cat Trap Comb proves immensely valuable in TNR projects where cats have already been transferred from traps into non-restraining baskets as the comb can be used to compress the cat against the basket mesh allowing an intramuscular anaesthetic injection to be administered. After the anaesthetic takes effect, the cat can be safely removed.


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